Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lots of Firsts These Days

Henry is growing faster than I can even believe. In the past few weeks he has started smiling (real deal legit smiles), making fist pumps (with which I say, "Supperrr Henrryyyy!"), gurgling, cooing, smiling back at us (those are the best kinds of smiles), holding himself up while on his tummy, drinking from the bottle without creating WWIII (WAHOO!), he has even laughed a couple times for his daddy, and he had his first night with a babysitter. Oh and have I mentioned he has most definitely discovered the iPhone? Yes, already. He LOVES when I takes a picture and use the flash. He giggles at the flash and the shutter sound. Goodness, I'm in trouble!

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks…

 First Halloween

Fist pump!

First night with a babysitter (Auntie Em watched him w/ Auntie Sarzy while we went to a wedding)

Holding his head up while on his tummy!!!

2 month photo shoot

I also had a first! Definitely something probably less than exciting to most people but was very exciting for me. I was finally able to really cook for the first time since Henry was born. For awhile we were eating meals so many people graciously gave us. Then we were just eating this and that. But I actually cooked a meal from start to finish and it was glorious. The best part… Henry was sleeping on my shoulder the whole time. Just call me Supermom.

Here's what I made - The Pioneer Woman's recipe for "Chicken Spaghetti." SO YUMMY. (Just don't compare my pictures to hers please.)

Note: The extra sliced cheese on top is not in the recipe.
I just wanted more cheese and that's all we had :)